About the Artist

Xue DiMaggio (she/they) grew up in a coastal town of central California. Whenever asked what they wanted to be when they grew up, the response was always the same: an artist. She loved arts and crafts growing up and her pursuit of creativity continued and grew as time went on. Xue's love of art and creating has evolved into an ongoing process of experimentation and exploration of new ways of putting paint to canvas, pen to paper, and emotion into art. This art gallery and shop was established in 2018 to share and capture Xue's creative evolution.

Learn more about my art through these interviews!

“My art has always been a way for me to express and emote…My art speaks in ways that my mouth cannot. My ability as an artist is more than a hobby, or even a potential profession. It is the lens through which I view myself and the world around me. “

“I think that a lot of what individuating and building who you are and want to be involves re-constructing what worth is to you – regardless of the environmental, societal, cultural beliefs that might surround you…As humans we yearn for understanding, for belonging, to be seen in all of our messy glory and for me, art is the truest form of my truth.”

“I feel a lot. When I was younger I used art to explore myself and the world without the burdens or clunkiness of language, preconceived notions, unrelenting structure and expectations. Creating became a gateway to understanding my emotions. A good part of my personal journey is unpacking belonging, identity and self-worth. My art features a lot of human forms, mental and environmental landscapes, movement and feeling. Creating has become a way of exploring connection - to myself, to others, to our shared environments, the ecosystems that build our lives - physical, emotional, mental.”

“I love finding connections because I feel that everything IS connected…we as a society have become more compartmentalized, rigid, individualistic, and separate from the whole…I guess what I’ve struggled with is this societal expectation of productivity, capital, and unwavering progress toward an end goal, while not actually resonating with (or even examining) what this end goal is supposed to be. All of this is to say I am deeply invested in sustainability, personally, socially, environmentally, etc.”